About Us
We are what we eat! In order to stay healthy and fit, it is important to eat healthily.
In today’s time, especially in Mauritius, our diet staples have changed vastly, though misinformed and erroneously, we still attach ourselves to the sweet pleasures of street foods, fast foods, and typical Mauritian food. We have always adapted food through our culture and biodiversity. Most of our food is imported and we find ourselves with an ever so diverse cuisine and ingredients.
Our diets have a direct impact on how our generations of parents and grandparents have looked through food for decades. Our style of living has changed so much but we still live in an environment that is comprised of an extended family. Most of our youngsters do not even bother about what they are given to eat, as long as they are being fed. By the time it is their responsibility to feed their children, they just follow what they’ve seen and what they have been taught throughout their life. It is only when our diet becomes a problem for us that we are willing to sacrifice our pleasures to a new rancid diet.
This is why I have created this food blog. Tasty food and healthy cooking can be a union of a wonderful lifestyle where you can enjoy wonderful recipes and even contribute to new ideas. I am no food expert, but I can share what I have learned throughout my life.